CHIPSEL Name ---------|----------------- 1 1 TA-1 2 2 TA-2 3 3 TA-3 4 4 TA-4 5 5 TB-1 6 6 TB-2 7 7 TC-1 8 8 TC-2 9 9 Route-1 (bits 7..0) 10 A Route-2 (bits 15..8) 11 B Route-3 (bits 23..16) 12 C Pre-Scaler-1 (3..0) 13 D Pre-Scaler-2 (7..4) 14 E Pre-Scaler-3 (11..8) 15 F Pre-Scaler-4 (15..12) 16 10 Pre-Scaler-5 (19..16) 17 11 Pre-Scaler-6 (23..20) 18 12 Scaler-1 (3..0) 19 13 Scaler-2 (7..4) 20 14 Scaler-3 (11..8) 21 15 Scaler-4 (15..12) 22 16 Scaler-5 (19..16) 23 17 Scaler-6 (23..20) 24 18 Bunch-finder Address bits 1 (0x04) 5 write/read CHIPSEL register 2 (0x08) 3 write/read SELCHAN register 3 (0x0C) 6 write/read route register (SELCHAN/CHIPSEL). Uses data[29..24]. 4 (0x10) 24 write/read prescale register (SELCHAN/CHIPSEL) 5 (0x14) 24 latch/read prescale counter outputs (SELCHAN/CHIPSEL) 6 (0x18) 0 send clear pulse to clear (restart) prescalers (on write cycle) 7 (0x1C) 2 write/read scaler SELDAT register 8 (0x20) 16 latch/read scaler word (SELDAT/SELCHAN/CHIPSEL) 9 (0x24) 0 increment scaler (SELCHAN/CHIPSEL) 10 (0x28) 0 clear scaler (SELCHAN/CHIPSEL) 11 (0x2C) 0 clear all scalers 12 (0x30) 8 write/read cpu trigger register (2 bits each to TA1, TA2, TA3, TA4 [lsb-msb] ) 13 (0x34) 8 write/read cpu inhibit register (2 bits each to TB1, TB2, TC1, TC2 [lsb-msb] ) 14 (0x38) 1 write/read bunch reject register (when low all bunches kept-default) (bit) 15 (0x3C) 1 write/read cpu-accept register (will send a single l1accept pulse when set) (bit) 16 (0x40) 1 write/read SDR, serial direction register (bit) 17 (0x44) 1 write/read serial clock and data[30] (CHIPSEL) On Write: if SDR is high, data[30] is written into top of serial shift register; if SDR is low, register is rotated one step. On Read: if SDR is low, bottom of shift register is read to data[30]. If SDR is high, shift register bits are moved to local latches accompanying each shift register (these latched bits are used on chip, not the SR bits) 18 (0x48) 0 clear/reset all scalers and prescalers (on write) 19 (0x4C) 0 capture (snapshot) all scalers and prescalers (on write)