Physics 100: Thinking About Physics
Physics 212: Introductory Electricity & Magnetism
Physics 213: Introductory Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics
Physics 214: Introductory Quantum Mechanics
Physics 223: Honors Quantum Mechanics & Statistical Physics
Physics 419: Space, Time, and Matter
Physics 435: Intermediate Electricity & Magnetism I
Physics 436: Intermediate Electricity & Magnetism II
Physics 486: Intermediate Quantum Mechanics I
Physics 487: Intermediate Quantum Mechanics II
Physics 505: Graduate Electromagnetism
Physics 580: Graduate Quantum Mechanics I
Physics 581: Graduate Quantum Mechanics II
I'm a co-PI of the Particle Physics. research group. Here's our website.
I specialize in Cosmological Astrophysics. I work on two projects:The Dark Energy Survey (DES website) at CTIO (Cerro Tololo, Chile).
Some DES documents: science program, TDR, camera specs
Some photos of Cerro Tololo.The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST website).
The LSST reference design (on the ArXiv).
BCP3 (Taiwan): Review of B semileptonic physics: HTML, PDF.
CHEP 2000: Status of CLEO-3 tracking: Talk, paper.
DPF 2000: Heavy flavors review: HTML, Powerpoint, PDF.
ACAT 2000: CLEO software: Powerpoint.
Seminar (2004) on DES and LSST projects Powerpoint.
REU 2007 "Cosmology at UIUC" (for undergraduates) Powerpoint, PDF
DM08 (2008) "The Dark Energy Camera" PDF (10 MB)
Public talks (some given more than once):
Saturday Science public lecture (2001):
"Science - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" HTML
Campus lecture (2005):
"Is Progressive Creationism Science?" Powerpoint, PDF (2.5 MB)
Saturday Science public lecture (2007):
"Fire & Ice: the Fate of the Universe" Powerpoint, PDF (8 MB)
CU Astronomy Club lecture (2011):
"What Supernovas Tell Us about Cosmology" Powerpoint, PDF (2 MB)
Saturday Science public lecture (2012 and 2016):
"Exoplanets" Powerpoint (21 MB), PDF (16 MB)
Saturday Engineering for Everyone lecture (2016):
“Astronomical Telescopes and Our Place in the Universe” Powerpoint, PDF (10 MB)