We plan to distribute a spiral-bound booklet containing hardcopies
of speakers' presentations at the start of the workshop. Please
send an electronic version
of your talk (pdf if possible) to
George Gollin
by noon, March 29
so there will be sufficient time to print the booklet.
This is important:
the principal aim of the workshop is to set
before participants brief (but concrete)
descriptions of a large number of research
and development projects that they might choose to undertake.
HEP experimental work involves a mix of
projects with widely varying time scales.
Much of the focus for those not yet actively
involved with the linear collider is on
long-term issues (stability of funding,
physics problems given the uncertain Higgs mass,...).
We would like to generate excitement by appealing
to the enjoyment found in the day-to-day activities
associated with the shorter time-scale research
tasks: writing code, designing circuits, studying
detector prototypes,...
Participants should leave the workshop with a
sense of possible paths they could follow,
with the pleasure of hands-on work included
in their sense of what involvement
in the LC could be like for them.
Here's a possible way of structuring a typical accelerator or detector talk:
Summarize the connection between physics goals and
performance specs briefly (2 slides??)
Summarize briefly the current thinking about
how the accelerator/detector system might
be configured, and why ("It's a TPC,
but maybe it'll be silicon strips
instead... Perhaps we'll do digital
calorimetry...") (2 slides??)
Spend most of the talk describing unresolved
nuts-and-bolts technical issues, with comments about
- what is already known and what one might do first in
approaching the problem
- who has thought about it a little, and could provide
suggestions on how to get started
Keep each of these brief (perhaps two slides per R&D topic) and
very concrete. If you can present a dozen different
two-page sketches of possible projects, good;
if you have the strength, even
more would even better.
Encourage establishment of cross-disciplinary
collaborations at home institutions (HEP + EE,
MatSci, ChemE,...)
Some reasonable ground rules:
Stay clear of political issues. Discussions should be:
- site-neutral when appropriate
- inclusive of studies needed for both TESLA and NLC/JLC.
- Think across traditional system boundaries:
- required performance will couple many accelerator
and detector systems' properties
- cool projects abound in domains participants
might not have thought to consider
- point out that interesting possibilities for
collaboration with colleagues in other domains
(e.g. condensed matter) exist.
- Be at ease with expressing ignorance and
in public.
Please remember: we want electronic versions
of your talks by noon, March 29
(pdf, if possible; email them to
George Gollin)
so there will be sufficient time to print
hardcopies for distribution at the start of the workshop!!
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