High Energy Physics Group

Medium & High Energy Seminar Archive

Spring 1998

January 26: Professor Peter Meyers (Princeton University)
Evidence for K+ → pi+ nu anti-nu

January 27: Dr. Rob Szalapski (KEK, Japan)
One-loop SUSY helicity amplitudes for e+ e- → W+ W- with BRS tests

February 2: Dr. Shoji Hashimoto (Fermilab)
BK and fB from Lattice QCD

February 9: Professor Michael Turner (University of Chicago)
In Hot Pursuit of Dark Matter

February 16: Dr. Prem Singh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Search for the Bc Meson at CDF

February 23: Professor Fred Olness (Fermilab and Southern Methodist University)
Heavy Quark Production in QCD

March 2: Dr. Joel Butler (Fermilab)
BTev Project at Fermilab

March 9: Professor John Lajoie (Iowa State University, Des Moines)
Baby Pictures of the Universe: Studying the Nature of Matter at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)

March 16: Dr. Danny Krakauer (ANL, Argonne)
Deep Inelastic Scattering at the Highest Q-squared at Zeus

April 6: Dr. Gustavo Burdma, (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Electroweak Dynamics in Rare B and K Decays

April 13: Dr. Michael Schmitt (Harvard University, Cambridge)
SUSY Searches at LEP and Implications for Neutralino Dark Matter

April 20: Mr David Rainwater (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Standard Model Higgs via Weak Boson Fusion at the LHC

April 27: Professor Gail Hanson (OPAL/LEP, Indiana University, Bloomington)
Higgs and SUSY searches at LEP

May 4: Professor Daniel Akerib, (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland)
WIMPs in Cryodetector

May 18: Dr Andrew Liddle (University of Sussex, UK)
The Formation of Semilocal Strings