January 25: Dr. Tom Lecompte (Argonne National Laboratory)
High ET Jet Cross Sections and the Structure of the Proton
February 1: Dr. Rob Roser (Fermi National Laboratory)
Latest Results on the Top Quark at CDF and Open Questions
February 5: Dr. Iain Bertram (Northwestern University)
High ET Jet Cross Sections and the Structure of the Proton
February 8: Dr. Deborah Harris (Rochester University)
A Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle in Neutrino Nucleon Scattering
February 12: Dr. Ray Culbertson (University of Chicago)
Gauge-mediated SUSY at CDF
February 15: Dr. Kevin Pitts (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
An Improved Measurement of sin 2 beta from B to J/Y K0s with the CDF Detector
February 19: Dr. Manfred Paulini (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
B Tagging, Mixing, and CP Violation at CDF
February 22: Dr. Frank Wuerthwein (California Institute of Technology)
Penguins, Trees, and CP Violation in B Decays
March 1: Dr. Douglas Glenzinski (University of Chicago)
Status of the M_W Measurement at LEP
March 8: Dr. Jesse Ernst (University of Illinois)
Catching Penguins in Neural Nets: The Status of b to s gamma
March 29: Dr. Peter Shanahan (Fermi National Laboratory)
The First e'/e Result from KTeV
April 5: Dr. Mary Anne Cummings (Northern Illinois University)
Top Quark Production in the All-Jets Channel at D0
April 12: Prof. Mats Selen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Charm Physics at CLEO
April 26: Prof. Jim Wiss (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
FOCUSing on Charm Physics
May 3: Prof. Steve Martin (Northern Illinois University)
Search for the Invisibly-Decaying Higgs Boson at the Tevatron