Information resources, music, food, and other amusements
Get the facts here:
- Language
- UIUC and Urbana-Champaign information resources
- Phone and email directories:
- Free Software Foundation (GNU products and other good stuff)
- Outer space, approximately
- The night sky. For example, Iridium satellites make incredibly bright (magnitude -8.0!) streaks of short duration in the evening skies.
- Astronomers have determined the Color Of The Universe! (It's kind of turquoise...)
- A dramatic MiG-29 crash at an air show some years ago. The pilot lost an engine while taking off, and pitched his plane downwards (into the runway) to avoid hitting the spectators. He ejected safely, and his parachute opened completely just before he hit the ground. He was not hurt when the jet blew up next to him.
- Federal government sources
- News media
- Religion
- Info about Judaism
- The Vatican's web site
- Jesuit web site
- Islam online
- Navigation/orientation
- The amazing Google Earth site.
- France's country-wide aerial photo site
- Microsoft TerraServer (aerial and satellite photos): find your house! (Some of its coverage is better than Google Earth's.)
- Google maps; Maporama (good for France!); Mapquest; Yahoo US maps.
- Weather
Music and guitar links:
- Gower Guitar, est. 1955 (also some information about Grammer guitars). Pictures!
- Tablature for Paul Simon's version of Anji
- John Renbourn's Lady Goes to Church, tab by the New Zealander D.N. Muir
- OLGA (On Line Guitar Archive)
George stuff:
- Just for fun: Fish Noir, a penguin joke, of sorts.
- This is all too weird for me (last update: 4/7/00).
- Some things should not go unchallenged: my review of Knitting With Doghair.
A former senator expresses his skepticism concerning Special Relativity:
- F-Entry Project page
- September 11, 2001
Food, some of it strange:
- A really excellent recipe for Pad Thai
- A recipe for stir-fried kangaroo...
- ...and the recipe for Cordelia's birthday cake...
- ...and a really good one for carrot cake.
- The Great High Energy/Nuclear Physics Cheesecake Extravaganza!
- James Lilek's Institute of Official Cheer and other things, featuring the Gallery of Regrettable Food. Has helpful tips for healthful living!
- Facts about capybaras
Random amusing stuff:
- Zippy the Pinhead explains reality
- That 1984 commercial (shown only once, during the Superbowl) introducing the Apple Macintosh.
- Click here to learn why most quality stuff you'd want to buy is made overseas.
- At last, a complete list of all those stupid few-character gizmos, e.g. :-)~
- State-of-the-art lab computing for data acquisition (DAQ) c. 1979: PDP-11/23.
- Family and friends
- Freeport High School, class of 1971
- Travel, mostly France
- Photos taken during the Vancouver International Linear Collider meeting, July, 2006